
Tired of searching on Google and not being able to find exactly what you’re looking for? This class is for you! We will cover what a search engine is, how it operates, and how to choose correct keywords and synonyms. Learn how to use the Advanced Search feature of Google to narrow your search by exact phrases, type of website, filetype, date and time the information was published, and whether or not you want the topic you are searching for to appear in the title of the webpage and/or the body of the webpage. In addition, learn how to search for images by using Google Lens to filter search results and how to use reverse image searching to find out what an image you already have is about. Once search results have been delivered, learn how to interpret them for credibility by determining who owns the website, how recently it was updated and what the reviews about it say. How do you search for something within a web page itself? All will be revealed. Walk away with the knowledge and skills to be a better Internet sleuth.